Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mvuu camp - day 2

We woke at 5:30 to go on a walking safari. It was interesting that we had an armed guide along to make sure that we weren't eaten by the elephants. We saw many local birds and he pointed out the names of trees and insects. We then went on a water safari and saw huge numbers of elephants, hippos, birds and crocodiles. It was amazing to watch the elephants interact. We had a quick lunch and took the water taxi out to meet Mphatso. He was over an hour late so we enjoyed speaking with the guide there. We headed off to Luther Cottage. The accommodations there are similar to the ELCM headquarters, basic, but has everything we need. Being right on the shore of Lake Malawi, the view is spectacular! We were greeted by 6-8 vendors trying their very hardest to sell us their handiwork. We each bought a thing or two. I'm not very good at bargaining, so I'm sure I paid too much, but that's ok. They are just so poor, I can't bring myself to try to pay less. It was fun to see Lazarus, the caretaker/chef again. After dinner, Mphatso, Chief and Lazarus played mangla. Susan tried to learn the game and played for a while, too. We went to bed listening to the sounds of the waves of Malawi lapping the Dinner was a boxed piece of chicken and a roll. We were unsure if we could eat it so we didn't have any.

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